Monday 9 May 2011

Evaluation-How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Above is a short humourous clip that I thought of on the spot really to outline who my target social group are. As I have mentioned on previous posts, my target audience belong to indie/rock social group. They are passionate about music and tend to stay clear from the mainstream pop market, e.g. Justin Bieber.

The main way I suppose I have represented my social group is through the brand name, 'Revolutions'. Linking to the speed of a vinyl record, RPM, it signifies that the readers of this magazine will be really interested in their music. The slogan tagline above indicates that the magazine will include classic rock bands as well as more modern music.

Of course as the social group I'm aiming my magazine at is aged 15-25, I've also made more references to modern bands as well more older ones throughout the magazine. I have also mentioned things that would appeal to a younger audience, e.g. the tagline "The UK's biggest gigs this summer" on the OFC.

Please remember no books or Bieber's were harmed in the making of this film! I'm sorry if you are a fan of Justin Bieber though. It was just to get my point accross that the social group aren't fond of mainstream pop such as his music and would prefer to read my magazine.

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