Wednesday 13 April 2011

First draft of contents page

It's slightly unconventional compared to other magazines on the market today. However, I wanted it to be a little bit different and quirky because I personally like stuff such as that. Unfortunately, this does mean that I don't have a style model for this page.

I like the photos being put in a polaroid frame and then have text that looks slightly hand written on them. It gives it a more authentic look and this idea of being old/vintage, which is linked back into the brand name 'Revolutions'.

So as I usually say on here, any feedback would be lovely :)

Final DPS

So, I finally have my double page spread for my music magazine, which I'm overall pleased with. Below it is my style model from an issue of Q I found. I liked the layout of the spread so I thought I'd do something similar with mine. Sorry it's not the best quality of photos. I don't own a scanner and the only camera working at the time was the one on my iPod!

Again, any feedback would be lovley.

I've made some mistakes on my DPS!

Yeah, I'm an idiot!
Basically, after proof reading my work, I realised that I made some mistakes on my DPS that were minor but still noticeable. However, last night I accidentally saved my work so I cannot change anything to the body appart from add more text. So now, I have to start from scratch and remake the whole DPS again!

I'm just blogging this to notify you so if my DPS looks different you know why (not just because I'm really annoyed at myself!).

Tuesday 12 April 2011

My DPSs-opinions?

Here's what I've done for my DPS. At the moment, I'm undecided on which I prefer. The first one looks okay to me but I fear it may look a bit boring for the audience. The second one has another picture on it and we can see who Becky is more clearly. However, I feel that it looks a bit over-the-top and over crowded on that one. I was also thinking for the first one, I may add in a pull quote. So any feedback or suggestions on how to make it look better would be helpful. Even if it's to say change the font colour! :)

Oh yes, and I'll also be posting my style model shortly once I've taken a photo of it :)

Monday 11 April 2011

Final front cover

So this the final product. Overall, I'm pleased with the way it has turned out. I ended up using one of the photos of Becky and another photo of myself for the free poster icons just to give it a bit of diversity. I'll probably do the same for contents page. I've also added a barcode using, which is a free barcode generator. Then I added the issue number, date and price above it.

My magazine cover's style model is a front cover from NME, which is pictured below:

My OFC so far

So originally, I made my brand name look like this:

But when I tried editing on the taglines, I wanted them in different colour to the brand name. This became a problem as it looked like the brand name was standing out too. The taglines just seemed to blend with the picture and weren't standing out.

I then looked on the NME website for inspiration and came across the front cover below. Both the brand name and main taglines are in the same colour. There are also in yellow which isn't very conventional but still stands out. The taglines in white are also outlined a little bit so they stand out too. Therefore I decided to base my OFC on this issue of NME and change the style of the brand name.

Here is my OFC so far. I decided to use yellow in the end because it contrasts with the rest of the picture. I am pleased with what I've done so far and will probably add more to it later (e.g. bar code, more taglines, more posters, etc.)

Any feedback on what I've done so far would be much appreciated :)

More problems-but I am solving them!

Okay, so after getting the fonts that I wanted onto my computer, they don't actually work. When I try to type something in, only a few of the letters actually show up, as shown above.

This has meant that I had to find another way of making my OFC look appealing and stand out. Currently, I am half way through making the OFC for magazine now and will blog what I have done soon.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Problems I've encountered

At the moment I've been trying to download some fonts from the internet onto my computer. This is so I can make my magazine look a bit more professional. Also, the fonts that I have tried on Picasa don't to stand out on the picture, so I wanted a font that maybe had an outline to stand out more.

Unfortunately, my computer isn't allowing me to use the fonts once I've downloaded them. So, with some help from Sarah Tye, I'll either try to eventually get the fonts onto Picasa or i'll just settle with the fonts I have on Picasa.