Wednesday 13 April 2011

First draft of contents page

It's slightly unconventional compared to other magazines on the market today. However, I wanted it to be a little bit different and quirky because I personally like stuff such as that. Unfortunately, this does mean that I don't have a style model for this page.

I like the photos being put in a polaroid frame and then have text that looks slightly hand written on them. It gives it a more authentic look and this idea of being old/vintage, which is linked back into the brand name 'Revolutions'.

So as I usually say on here, any feedback would be lovely :)


  1. Is this too minimal?? Can you find other mags that adopt such a stripped back style? As always, go back to existing texts.

  2. I agree with Mr Swain. I bet with a little tweaking you could make this look like the 'Kerrang!' contents page that you analysed - still keeping the polaroid idea but including more for the contents (your mag only has about 45 pages: is this right?) What about your editor's comment or message that you said you wanted back in February? There is definitely space to squeeze one in.

    Do mags like 'Kerrang!' ever go for a vintage look?

  3. I agree with you both which is why I'm currently working on a new contents page.
    As far as the editor's message goes, I'm not sure whether to include one or not but if I have room I may include it.
